How to Create a Gym Workout Routine for Beginners
Maintaining a routine is very important. Every beginner often makes the mistake of not following any workout routine, which is why they never see a fit body. Their workout doesn’t work properly because they don’t follow the proper workout routine. A proper workout routine means you maintain everything related to the gym: regularity, workout type, diet, and everything else. In this article, I will explain how to create a workout routine properly. So, let’s start with an interesting article.
Learn it before creating a workout routine properly.
In this article, I will explain everything about creating a workout routine, not telling you to follow any specific routine. You will be able to create a workout routine if you read the article thoroughly. Your routine will be better compared to your friends. So, read the full article without skipping any part and create the best workout routine for yourself. I will not skip any topic here, which will help you create the best workout routine. You can decide what you will do.
First, know the body types!
I know many people have never heard about it. There are three types of body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Do you know about these three body types? If you do, congratulations. If not, you need to learn about them first and determine which type your body is. Let’s discuss these three body types:
Ectomorph: This type of person has very little muscle and fat. They are very thin and lightweight. This type of person needs a different workout, diet, and lifestyle compared to mesomorphs and endomorphs.
Mesomorph: These people are very lucky. They have medium fat and muscle. They can easily lose light fat and gain beautiful fitness quickly. They need a different workout routine compared to the other two types.
Endomorph: This is the last one, and this type of person is not as lucky. They have high fat in their body and no muscle because of the fat. They need to work hard to lose the excess fat. If you have this body type, you must maintain a different workout routine than the other two types.
I will describe everything for all body types, so don’t worry. Just keep reading the article.
Learn the Workout Types!
Before working out, first learn the workout types. There are six types of workouts: arms, back, shoulders, chest, legs, and abs. Cardio is a different type of workout. Cardio is mainly for endomorphs, but mesomorphs can do it slightly. Ectomorphs should not do cardio. You must choose some workouts every day. You can choose two types of workouts daily or just one type each day. Which is better? Remember that the forearm, biceps, and triceps count as arms. You should do all three types of arm exercises in one day.
Learn about Muscle Parts!
Many gym enthusiasts don’t know about their muscle parts, leading to daily mistakes. I want you to avoid doing the wrong thing. There are two types of muscle parts: big and small. Big muscle parts include the chest, shoulders, legs, and back. Small muscle parts are biceps, forearms, triceps, and abs. These two different muscle parts require different workouts, which is why many people who have been working out for years do not see any improvement in their muscles. If this describes you, fix everything today.
How Much Workout is Important for Big Muscle Parts?
Big muscles are crucial for bodybuilders. We need to focus on our big muscles mainly. Many people just focus on biceps and triceps and neglect other parts. Don’t ever do this. Focus on big muscles because when we work out big muscles, the small muscles automatically grow. You should work out two days a week for big muscles and three days maximum for small muscles in a week, with a minimum of one day.
How Many Sets Should You Work Out Every Day?
Now, this is also a very important part of this article. Many gym-goers don’t know how many sets they need to do each day. I’ve seen many people spend hours in the gym but have no muscle. Why does this happen? This happens because they don’t follow any specific routine. The minimum workout time should be 45 minutes, and the maximum should be 75 minutes. But what they do is spend time and lose unnecessary calories without recovering them later, leading to muscle loss. For small muscle workouts, you should complete your gym session in six to twelve sets, no less than six and no more than twelve. And if you’re doing a big muscle workout, finish it in 12 to 24 sets. I can guarantee you will see progress in the mirror if you maintain this routine for three months. If you want to do two types of workouts in a day, finish them in 24 sets, like doing back and biceps on the same day. This is the right way to work out.
How Long Should Your Workout Duration Be?
I mentioned this slightly in the previous passage, but it should be described completely. Your maximum workout time should be 75 minutes, and the minimum workout time should be 45 minutes. If you are a normal person, this is the ideal workout time. If you are a professional bodybuilder, this does not apply to you; you can work out for any duration as long as you maintain your diet properly. Read some necessary advices for beginners here.
How Much Workout for Arms?
Since arms are a small muscle part, you should do a 45-minute workout for arms and keep it within 12 sets. Arms include forearms, biceps, and triceps, as I already mentioned. If you work on all three arm parts, do 24 sets.
How Much Workout for the Chest, Legs, Shoulders, and Back?
Back, chest, legs, and shoulders are all big muscle parts, so they require the same workout approach. Keep the workout duration between 45 and 75 minutes, and do 12 to 24 sets for each workout.
How Important is Protein for the Gym?
Protein is more important than the gym. In my main article, I mentioned that diet accounts for 50% of gym success, workouts for 30%, and rest for the remaining 20%. Now, guess how important protein is? If you don’t provide enough protein to your body, it won’t grow. Our body grows when we do better workouts than before or provide better protein to our body. It should be clear now that a better workout doesn’t mean more workout. A better workout means you challenge your muscles more than before, increasing the weight during workouts. Your body cells will then grow by bursting. When we work hard, our brain orders the body part to grow because it is doing more work than before.
How Does Protein Work in Muscle Growth?
Providing protein to your body is essential. However, many people don’t know how to count protein compared to their body weight. The simple count is that, in normal times, you need to provide your body with 1 gram of protein for each kg of body weight. If you are working out, give your body 1.5 grams of protein for each kg of body weight. And if you want to grow your muscle, give your body 2 grams of protein for each kg of body weight. This is an easy count to help you maintain your diet.
How Many Days Should I Rest a Week?
Rest is another crucial aspect of working out. Why is rest important? Rest helps your body recover, become stronger, and prevent injuries. How many days should you rest in a week? You can rest for 2 or 3 days a week. A minimum of 2 days is recommended. You can follow my example of two working days, then one rest day, and continue the sequence. I always follow this in my workout routine.
What is the Hack of Losing Body Fat Easily?
This is a significant problem for endomorphs. They usually join the gym to lose body fat and succeed in losing weight for the first two weeks. After these two weeks, they see their previous weight again and become frustrated. Why does this happen? This happens because they lack proper knowledge about how body fat is lost. In the first two weeks of working out, the weight lost is mainly water from the body. A healthy body contains a minimum of 6 liters of water, which can easily be lost in a week of working out. But this is not actually body fat. If you want to lose body fat, you need to change your diet along with your workout. The main hack of losing fat is calories. First, determine how many calories you provided your body before the workout. For example, I found on the internet that a healthy body needs 2000 to 2500 calories a day. So, if you provide your body with the same calories, you’ll never see any change. To lose weight, give your body fewer calories than before and keep working out continuously. If you follow this, you will see magic happen in your body after one month. I can challenge that you will lose a minimum of 10-12 kg in one month because you’re giving fewer calories to your body. Otherwise, if you provide your body with more calories, it will store them as body fat. So measuring calories is crucial in a workout. I think you understand that working out doesn’t lose body fat by itself; it just helps you become strong and gain muscle.
Does Losing Too Much Sweat Help to Lose Body Fat?
This is a funny belief many people have. They think losing too much sweat will help them lose weight and fat. But they don’t know that sweat loses only 1% of body fat; the rest is body water. So never do this like crazy. Focus on diet and follow the minimum workout duration. If you are an endomorph, work out for 75 minutes, not more than that. I think you understand that properly now.
Why Does the Workout Work Reverse?
What does it mean that the workout works in reverse? There’s a reason. When people think more workouts will give them beautiful muscles, they face this issue. They just work out but don’t care about their diet. When will your muscles grow? When you give your body the minimum protein, it will start to grow. I already talked about the protein your body needs. The direct solution is to give your body 2 grams of protein for each kg of body weight to grow muscles. That’s enough. This is the right measure to follow. Otherwise, you will lose your body muscle because you’re not providing your body with enough protein, causing it to suffer. So, don’t overwork, keep it within the recommended duration, maintain your diet properly, and then see the results.
Get in Final Touch to Create a Gym Workout Routine!
If you’ve read the full article, you should know how to create a gym routine. By considering everything, you can now create a workout routine that suits your body type. Since I don’t know your body type, I explained everything for all body types. You can identify which part is relevant to you. If you think something is missing, contact me. If you find the article helpful, share it with your friends via social media.