How much exercise is good for health?
Exercise is important, but how much exercise is good for an ordinary person? We often hear about the benefits of working out, but many people don’t know that a wrong workout can have a bad effect on the human body. If you don’t know how much exercise is good for your health, I will tell you. In this article, I will also share my own experience related to workout mistakes that many beginners often make.
Learn the minimum workout duration for an ordinary person
Almost 90% of workout lovers don’t know how long their workout duration should be. Many beginners work out for hours every day, but they don’t see any results. For an ordinary gym-goer, the maximum workout duration is 45 minutes. The minimum workout duration should be less than 75 minutes. Working out for more than 75 minutes is harmful to the body. It doesn’t help grow muscle; rather, it can cause muscle loss.
Why does this happen? It happens because if you do too much exercise, your body needs more calories. Additionally, excessive workouts are harmful and can damage your bones and joints. Moreover, overtraining can lead to injuries.
So, if you are an ordinary person new to the gym, your average workout duration should be 60 minutes.
How many days should I work out in a week?
Not only is daily workout duration important, but your weekly workout routine also affects a healthy fitness life. Do you know how many days are ideal for working out in a week? A maximum of 4 days of workout is necessary, but a minimum of 5 days is ideal. The remaining two days should be reserved for rest. You can work out for two consecutive days, with the third day being a rest day. Continue this routine for the rest of the week.
How much workout for each body part?
Before learning how much workout is needed for each body part, let’s first identify the body parts that need attention. Our body has biceps, triceps, arms, shoulders, chest, abs, legs, and waist. Each body part has different workout requirements.
There are large body parts (big muscles) and smaller body parts (small muscles). The big muscles are the chest, back, shoulders, and legs, while the smaller muscles are the biceps, triceps, arms, and abs.
For each big muscle, the minimum workout is 24 sets per week, and the maximum is 12 sets. You must work out at least 2 days a week, but no more than 1 day per week for big muscles.
For small muscles, the minimum workout is 12 sets, and the maximum is 6 sets per week. You must work out at least 3 days a week, and no more than 2 days per week for all small muscle parts.
Note: If you work out combined muscle groups, like back and biceps, the two muscle groups should together complete 24 sets, not more. For biceps, triceps, and arms together, the total sets should also not exceed 24.
Focus on bigger muscles more!
Since we have two types of muscles in our body, they have different priorities. You should focus on bigger muscles because when you focus on them, your smaller muscles will grow automatically. A healthy body isn’t just about having big biceps but includes overall strength. Many people avoid leg workouts, but legs are essential for building strength. So, focus on your bigger muscles and continue working on your small muscles too.
What is necessary for rest?
Daily workouts can make you weak, so some rest is necessary to recover your body. One of my coaches told me that rest is essential. This example was for other reasons, but it’s similar in this case: if you give rest to your body, it will have time to grow. Otherwise, working out without rest will just lead to muscle loss, and growth will stop. Rest doesn’t cause muscle loss, especially if you maintain your diet properly. If you maintain your diet for one week while stopping your workout, you won’t notice any difference in your body. So think about how important rest and diet are!
Exercise depends on diet mainly!
Is it true that exercise depends on diet? Yes, it is true. Not only is it true, but it is also a fundamental aspect of working out. If you have read our article on creating a proper workout routine, this will be clear. If we divide our fitness journey into parts, the workout is 30%, rest is 20%, and diet is 50%. Now, you can understand how important diet is. Diet is more important than workout and rest. If you don’t add the proper calories and protein to your diet, your fitness results won’t be as effective. For better fitness, there is no alternative to food. Protein can help a little, but natural food protein is best. However, if you have any issues, you can use commercial protein. Commercial protein has no side effects if you use the recommended quantity. But if you use commercial protein, you have to be more careful with your workout. You can’t stop working out if you use commercial protein. Otherwise, your body will gain fat due to the high quantity of protein in your body.
Know the importance of protein for workout!
I talked about diet but haven’t covered protein yet. How does it work, and how do you measure it? Protein measurement is easy to remember. For an ordinary person who doesn’t work out, the requirement is 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight. If someone works out and doesn’t want to gain excessive muscle, they need 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight. If they want to grow muscle, they need 2 grams of protein per kg of body weight.
Here’s an example to help you understand. Suppose your body weight is 55 kg. Here’s how your protein requirement would look in three different conditions:
Person type | Body weight | Protein demand |
Ordinary (without workout) | 55 kg | 55 grams |
With workout (no muscle growth) | 55 kg | 77.5 grams |
Workout for muscle gain | 55 kg | 110 grams |
If you understand this, you can easily compare your protein demand based on your body weight. If you still don’t understand, you can contact me, and I will try to help you personally.
Why are your muscles not growing despite working out?
If you are working out and not growing your muscles, the main reason could be that you are not maintaining a proper workout routine. A proper workout routine includes everything—workout, diet, and lifestyle. Another reason could be overtraining and not consuming enough calories. If you overtrain, you burn a lot of calories, and you need to replenish them. Most gym-goers fail to provide enough calories, which is why they don’t see results. Their muscles aren’t growing.
Another reason is working out with the same weight all the time. To grow muscle, you need to increase the weight during workouts. When you work out harder than before, your brain signals your body to grow muscle because it’s working harder. If you continue working out with the same weight, your brain sends the same signal.
What is the best time to work out?
There is no fixed time for working out, but certain times yield better results. Personally, I prefer morning workouts. Morning workouts are great because they keep your mind fresh, and the morning air is good for the heart. Additionally, the body responds better to morning workouts. Afternoon workouts are also effective, as this is a time when people are naturally more active. Night workouts, however, can cause problems with sleep. Bodybuilding experts say that your brain might stay active, thinking about the workout, and it could disrupt sleep. However, for some, night workouts might still be the best time.
What is your fitness goal?
Whenever we do something, we set a goal. There is nothing without a goal. Everything follows a plan, and workout is no different. You need to set a goal for your workout. Why are you joining the gym? If you are joining just to stay fit, then you are normal. But if you want bodybuilding as a profession, you will need to work harder and maintain more aspects than a regular person. Many people join the gym just to stay fit, others to become models, some for acting careers, and others to become trainers in the future. So, having a goal is essential. Your goal will tell you what to do. So, first, set a goal.
Why is a workout necessary in today’s world?
In today’s world, people are living unhealthy lives. Research shows that every year millions of people die globally due to poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles. Over 11 million people die each year due to poor diet, and 420,000 people die from unsafe food. If people work out, they lead a healthier life, maintaining a proper diet and consuming safe food. Working out helps keep the body strong and healthy.
Which is better, gym or home workouts?
Many people are confused about whether to work out at home or in a gym. My advice is that you can choose either. You can easily build a muscular body at home with bodyweight exercises, as long as you maintain your workout routine and diet properly. If you join a gym, you will have access to an instructor, which can be beneficial. Gyms also provide equipment that is helpful for a better workout, but if you are disciplined at home, you don’t necessarily need to join a gym.
In this article, I’ve covered many important topics. If you think something is missing, feel free to let me know. If you follow these instructions, they will help you achieve better fitness. If you need more information, you can search our website. If you found this article helpful, please share it. Stay connected with us via social media.