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Does Working Out Really Stop Height Growth

There is a saying that working out will stop your growth if you do it at an early age. Is it true? If true, then what age is proper for working out? If you don’t know about this, I will describe everything about it and also share some related topics.

Height growth happens due to the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and somatotropic hormones. Research shows that these hormones are mostly released between the ages of 16 and 18, and this can continue until the age of 21. For girls, this hormone is mostly released between 14 and 16 years of age. If you are under these ages, this article is generally for you, but other topics can also be helpful for others.

Let’s get to the main point. Does working out stop growth? The answer is no. Working out does not stop your growth if you follow a proper routine. If you overwork at an early age, it can be harmful in other ways, but it won’t stop your growth. Learn more about working out at an early age.

When Does a Workout Impact Your Body?

If you are under 10 years old and your physical status is poor, you should avoid working out at an early age. If your physical status is good, you can start working out with proper discipline. At this age, you should work out under a great coach to avoid any danger. Workouts impact the body of those under 10 years old the most. Otherwise, you can start working out with basic exercises, avoiding heavy weights.

From What Age Should One Start Working Out?

You can start working out even at age 10, but it’s better to join a gym at the age of 15. This is the minimum recommended age for more intensive workouts. At this age, a person is more mature and can handle a workout routine similar to that of a professional.

What Workouts Are Safe for Young Gym Goers?

As a young bodybuilder joining a gym, you should have a specific workout plan. If you are over 18, you can follow a proper workout routine as you wish. If you are under 15, follow my advice: first, join a gym under a good coach who can guide you based on your physical status. You can also follow some YouTube channels that provide videos for young people. You can do exercises like barbell curls, dumbbell curls, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, bench presses for the chest, squats with light dumbbells, etc. These are simple but not exhaustive; I just want to give you an idea of what might be appropriate. Also, always start your workout with a proper warm-up.

What Is Necessary to Maintain a Proper Diet for Working Out?

Starting a workout at a young age can be harmful if you don’t maintain a proper diet. Without a good diet, you may face many physical problems. With an inadequate diet, growth can be affected. A proper diet boosts HGH and somatotropic hormones, aiding growth. High-protein foods are essential. Natural boosters are better as they have no side effects. A proper diet is crucial for fitness: 50% of fitness depends on diet, 30% on workout, and 20% on rest. So maintaining a proper diet is essential if you’re a young gym goer.

Can Young Gym Goers Do Weight Lifting?

Weightlifting is challenging. Anyone can do it with suitable weights. However, if you’re too young, I recommend not doing it. Stick to basic exercises that athletes do. Once fully mature, you can lift any weight, but always prioritize safety and avoid excessive weights.

Is There Any Exercise to Increase Height?

Though height growth is mainly genetic, some exercises can help release HGH and somatotropic hormones. These include pull-ups, high jumps, hanging exercises, stretching, swimming, and skipping. These workouts may help slightly but aren’t guaranteed to work for everyone. If you’ve passed the growing age, these exercises likely won’t help.

In conclusion, working out does not affect your height growth at any age. Exercise is beneficial for everyone. Most children become overweight if they don’t play or exercise regularly. Sports can be a safer alternative to keep fit. I suggest young people join sports if possible, as it’s better than just working out. If you found this article helpful, please share it with others. Thanks.

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