Loyal Gains-Enjoy Your Fitness Journey

Workout & Diet The Key Connection for Faster Results!

Do you know how workout and diet are connected? Many workout enthusiasts don’t care about this matter. Today, I will tell you how workout and diet are connected.
Hey, this is Rakib Hussain, and I have been working out for 5 years. I have faced many challenges during my fitness journey. I will share all of my real-life experiences in this article. Especially for beginners, this article is the best asset. Beginner gym-goers don’t know about the routine and relationship between workout and diet. So let’s get started with this article.

What is the relationship between workout and diet?

A workout is an activity where you heat your body and lose calories. Workout means pain. Workout means pushing yourself. When we work out, our brain signals the muscles to improve because a particular muscle group is being used more than before. But without protein and calories, the signal will not work. When our body gets signals from the brain after a workout, it starts to gain muscle, and for this, it needs fuel to recover.

So, if your body does not get enough calories and protein compared to your workout, it will lose muscle too. However, you have workout limitations as well. Too much workout is not best for everyone.

What is necessary to maintain a proper diet?

If you expect better fitness, maintaining a proper diet is a must. A proper diet does not mean eating random food. A proper diet means eating the right food. How will you know about the right food? You can take help from your coach if possible. Otherwise, take help from the internet. In this article, I will try to give a proper idea for you.

If you do not provide a proper diet to your body while going to the gym, you will suffer many problems. First, you will lack essential nutrients, your muscles will not recover, and you won’t perform well during your workout. The main reason is that you can’t reach your fitness goal. Without a proper diet, all your hard workouts are fruitless. Also, only hard work without a diet can make you weak. So, a proper diet is necessary.

How to maintain a proper diet?

Maintaining a proper diet is very difficult because different types of people need different diet plans. Based on body types, there are three main categories: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Each type requires a different diet plan. But which one is for you? Which category do you belong to?

  • Ectomorph: Ectomorphs are people who have a lean and low-fat body. They need to maintain a strong and well-balanced diet plan to gain muscle.
  • Mesomorph: Mesomorphs have a small fat level. They are very lucky because they can easily achieve their fitness goals. They have a naturally fit body and can improve their physique in just a few months with a normal diet plan.
  • Endomorph: Endomorphs have a high-fat percentage in their bodies, making it difficult to maintain a lean physique. They are often categorized as unhealthy and need to follow a strict diet.

How much protein is necessary for each body type per day?

A simple measurement is that you need to consume 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight under normal conditions, regardless of your body type.

  • If you work out, you need 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day.
  • If you want to gain muscle while working out, you need 2 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day.

Protein plays a key role in muscle recovery and building. It also provides calories—1 gram of protein contains 4 calories (not 9 as previously mentioned). However, protein alone is not enough. Let’s learn more about calories.

How many calories should a person take every day?

Research shows that a normal person needs 2,500–3,000 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight. If you consume more than this, the extra calories will be stored as fat.

If you’re working out, calorie needs depend on your fitness goals:

  • If you want to lose weight, you should reduce your calorie intake (e.g., consume 2,000 calories per day while doing a hard workout to burn 500 calories from fat).

Which ingredients should calories come from?

Calories are essential for our bodies, but they should come from various sources. If we rely only on protein, we would get only around 500 calories because 1 gram of protein contains only 4 calories.

A balanced diet should include calories from carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, fruits, and dairy. This is the best practice for a proper diet while ensuring calorie intake does not exceed requirements.

How to maintain a diet properly for weight loss?

Maintaining a proper diet plan is challenging, but losing weight is even harder. Without a proper diet, you can’t lose weight effectively.

Some people stop eating completely, limiting themselves to just one meal a day, but this is not a good approach. You should eat like a normal person but focus on calorie intake.

For example, if your actual calorie requirement is 3,000 per day, you should reduce it to 2,500 or 2,000 calories per day. This way, your body will burn 500–1,000 calories from fat to meet its energy needs.

If you stop eating, you will become weak and unable to work out. Instead, provide your body with enough protein because protein does not turn into fat—it only helps in muscle recovery.

What is the impact of a proper workout?

A proper workout is very important for achieving fitness goals. To achieve proper fitness, three key elements must be maintained:

  1. Proper diet
  2. Proper workout
  3. Proper rest

If you maintain these three things correctly, I guarantee that you will see improvements within six months.

Many people think that a proper workout means long hours in the gym, but quality matters more than duration. A 45-minute to 75-minute workout is enough. Use enough weight for resistance training—neither too light nor too heavy.

When you challenge your muscles, they grow stronger. If you keep lifting the same weight every day, your body will adapt, and you won’t see progress. But when you push your limits, your body realizes it needs to improve.

How important is workout frequency?

I always recommend a 60-minute workout every day without a rest day.

Understanding body parts is also important:

  • Big muscles: Chest, shoulders, legs
  • Small muscles: Biceps, triceps, forearms, abs

A person should focus on big muscles, as training them also helps small muscles grow automatically.

The best practice is:

  • Train small muscles 3 times per week
  • Train big muscles 2 times per week

This is the routine I personally follow.

What is necessary to maintain a proper workout routine?

Only successful people understand the importance of maintaining a proper routine. A structured routine helps you stay on track and be consistent. It ensures that workouts are done at the right time and in the right way.

Give your body proper rest

Rest is as important as diet and workout. Rest allows your body to repair, regain strength, and prevent injuries. Overworking can lead to injuries, so avoid excessive workouts.

At least two rest days per week are necessary. A good approach is working out for two days and taking a rest on the third day. This method works well and can be followed if you like.


Again, I emphasize maintaining three key things in your fitness journey: diet, workout, and rest. These three are enough to achieve better fitness.

This article is based on my real-life experience. I have shared everything that I personally follow. If you want to see my progress, visit my About section, homepage, or social media.

Not everything in this article may apply to you, but most of it will be relevant. I hope you enjoy a happy fitness journey with me! Thanks for reading!

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