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Best Nutrition Guide for Beginner Gym-Goers at Breakfast!

Hey, my dear audience. In this article, I’m going to share some important, high-protein meals for your breakfast. Protein is essential for all gym-goers, so I will describe how you can fulfill your protein needs at breakfast with some yummy and healthy food items.

Before starting, you should know how much protein you should consume at breakfast. For beginners, this can be a big challenge. In your breakfast, you should aim for a maximum of 30 grams of protein. Don’t worry, the breakfast items I provide will be enough to give you 30 grams of protein. Let’s start.

Make a Yummy and High-Protein Smoothie!

High-Protein Smoothie!

Smoothies are a popular breakfast item, but gym-goers should prepare them with unique styles. Smoothies are tasty and healthy too. So how can you make a smoothie easily? Take one cup of oat bran, one cup of milk, add some chia seeds, a few raisins, one teaspoon of honey, and a few banana slices. This smoothie will give around 20 grams of protein. You should take this smoothie first, then move on to the other meals. Try this smoothie—how yummy and healthy! Keep one thing in mind: always use branded items in your breakfast. Average items are not recommended for you. As you are working out, you need to maintain quality in your food. You can’t use any average foods.

Eat Four Boiled Egg

Eggs are the primary food item for all gym lovers and the best option for breakfast. Every egg with the yolk has 6.3 grams of protein. If you have a problem with the yolk, you can eat the egg white. The yolk has 2.7 grams of protein, so the white part has 3.6 grams of protein. We are counting the average protein amount as 3.6 grams per egg, so four eggs will give 14.4 grams of protein on average. We’ve already reached our maximum protein amount, but you should also eat the items described below. You can try different items every day.

Bananas Are the Best Option!

Bananas are a great item for breakfast. They contain five essential nutrients: potassium, vitamin B6, fiber, vitamin C, and magnesium. Think about how beneficial bananas are. You can eat four bananas every day, or more or less depending on your preference. Bananas are a healthy food item for your breakfast.

Add Bread to Your Breakfast

You can also add some bread to your breakfast. How to prepare it? You can add some peanut butter, or you can eat bread with bananas. You can also eat bread with eggs. Honey and milk are also alternatives with bread. This is also a beneficial food choice for breakfast. But remember, the bread should be whole grain, and 2 slices are perfect.

Chickpeas Are the Greatest Item for Breakfast!

Chickpeas are an incomparable food for gym lovers. They deserve a whole article, but I will describe them here briefly. A minimum of 100 grams of chickpeas per day and a maximum of 50 grams is a must. Per 100 grams, chickpeas contain 19 grams of protein. They also have 364 calories, 6 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol, 24 mg of sodium, and 865 mg of potassium. There are many more nutrients in chickpeas, but these are the key ones.
What are the benefits of chickpeas? Chickpeas help with digestion, make bones stronger, and increase strength. They are especially beneficial for athletes, as they help with endurance. Chickpeas are scientifically recommended for everyone. You can eat them any time of the day, not just for breakfast.

Drink Enough Water!

The last point is drinking enough water. Water is very important for our bodies. Our body contains about 6 liters of water under normal conditions. When we work out, our body loses a lot of water through sweat, so we need to replenish it by drinking enough water. Drinking water at breakfast is especially beneficial.

Everything I’ve described here is important for every beginner gym-goer. I personally eat these foods for breakfast, and I also recommend them to my friends and gym partners. If these items seem too much for your breakfast, you can try the first three items. They will fulfill your protein needs. Hope this article will help you a lot.

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