Loyal Gains-Enjoy Your Fitness Journey

Necessary Advice for Beginner Gym-Goers!

Gym is an emotion of human life. Everyone comes to the gym to achieve an extraordinary goal. Everything is done for a goal. So every gym-goer has a goal. But most of the time, they become hopeless very soon on the way to their goal. Why does this happen? It happens because of a lack of guidance toward the goal. You can’t deny it. In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know in your fitness journey, especially as a beginner in the fitness field. I’ve already faced these challenges during my fitness life. Better fitness comes when you obey everything properly, such as your workout routine, workout diet, lifestyle, maintaining timing, and giving your body proper rest, etc. I think everything should be shared with you so that you can realize it. So, read the article confidently because I will tell you something harder that you have never heard. Let’s start!

Set your fitness goal first. It’s necessary.

The first thing you need to do is set your goal permanently. Some people don’t know why they are working out. They go to the gym because their friends also go to the gym. This type of gym habit is not long-lasting because it has no goal. I saw this in my real life. Many of my friends come to the gym because they see me as having awesome fitness compared to them. But I have a goal: I have to make myself fit, and I will definitely do it. And finally, I achieved my goal properly. If you visit my About section, you will see my current fitness position. So, fix a permanent goal for yourself and fight to achieve it until you succeed. Your goal can be anything reasonable. So, my first advice for beginners is to set your goal before joining the gym.

Learn to endure the pain

I’ve seen with my own eyes that many people stop going to the gym after 1 week because they do not agree to accept the pain. You definitely have to accept the pain if you decide to join a gym. Keep one thing in mind: you are going to the gym to challenge your body. And you won’t know how dangerous the pain you need to endure can be. You don’t know how painful the first week of gym is. Only workout lovers can understand this. If you can sustain yourself for one week in the gym, then success is yours! No one can stop you from achieving your actual fitness goal. I can confidently say this. But not only pain is enough for success. You need to follow more things. Everything I will tell you in this short article.

Join the gym today and maintain regularity

After setting your goal, join the gym today. Don’t worry about what people will say. Don’t think about others. No one wants you to go ahead of them. So, don’t think about people and join the gym today. After joining, maintain regularity. Regularity is very important for your workout. Regularity doesn’t mean going to the gym every day. Regularity means following a specific sequence. If you go to the gym every day, it’s good, but if you don’t want to go every day, follow the sequence. If you’re worried about maintaining regularity, you can contact me personally, and I’ll try to help you.

Set a weekly workout routine

It’s important to set a weekly routine for which day you will work out for which body part. Most commonly, people follow three or four routines. There is no fixed routine for a workout, but if you follow my suggested routine, you will be on the right path. Our body has different parts, such as biceps, triceps, back, shoulders, chest, and legs. These six body parts are the main ones. Also, the body has abs and arm parts, but these are not as crucial. These will be covered automatically while you maintain the main body parts. Now that you know about body parts, you need to know which day works for which body part.

The commonly followed routine is working out for two body parts every day. You must choose relevant body parts to work together; otherwise, your workout will not be effective. For example, if you choose biceps today, add back exercises with them. If you choose chest, then add triceps exercises. If you choose shoulders, then add legs exercises. This is the most followed routine.

Another routine is to choose one body part per day and finish all six body parts over six days. The key point is that in these six days of working out, you need to take two or three days of rest. So, you’ll need a total of eight or nine days. These two workout routines are what most people follow.

Start workout with a proper warm-up

This is another reason why beginners can’t work out properly and get injured quickly. Warm-up is the starting point of a workout. If you don’t warm up properly, you risk injury. If you work out under a professional coach, they will always tell you to warm up first. Trust me, there is no compromise when it comes to warming up. If you warm up properly, you will feel more comfortable during your workout. Also, on days when you decide to lift heavy weights, warming up is necessary. Otherwise, you have a 99% chance of getting injured. I’ve already written an article on how to do a proper warm-up before a workout. You can read the article.

Finish workout with a warm-down

I can confidently say that 99% of gym-goers don’t know that warming down is an important part of a workout. You need to tell your body that the workout is over so that it can start to rest. Do this regularly.

How much weight should you use during a workout?

The amount of weight you should lift depends on your experience in working out. If you are new to the gym, you should start with light weights. If you lift heavy weights too early, you can face many problems. Lifting heavy weights can strain your ligaments. Why does this happen? It happens because you are not following the proper workout format. As a beginner, you may not know the proper form, and that’s natural. So, start with light weights and gradually increase the weight. If you want to grow your muscles, you will eventually need to increase the weight. Otherwise, your muscles will just get pumped but not grow.

Which time is perfect for a workout?

Some special times are reserved for working out. Actually, you can work out at any time, but sometimes yield better results. There are three main times to choose from: morning, afternoon, and night. Morning workouts are the best because they help your body recover throughout the day and positively affect your muscles. Afternoon workouts are very popular for sports and physical activities. If you’re a busy person, you can also work out at night. Night workouts are relaxing, and you can directly rest after your workout without any issues. So, you can choose any of these times for a workout, but other times during the day are not as suitable.

How long should you work out in a day?

This is a big problem that often happens with beginners. Not only beginners, but even experienced gym-goers often think that longer workouts will lead to faster fitness. But this is a wrong concept. If you are a professional bodybuilder, and bodybuilding is your career, then you might work out for 3 to 4 hours or more. But if you are a regular person working out just for fitness, you need to keep your workout to an appropriate duration. What is the appropriate time for a workout? You should work out for a limited time—between 45 minutes and 75 minutes. Do not exceed 75 minutes or go below 45 minutes. This is the ideal workout time for a regular person.

Providing your body proper protein is very important

Do you know what protein is? Protein is a material that is crucial for muscle growth. When you work out, your body loses protein. Naturally, your body loses 10 to 15 grams of protein per hour of workout. The standard recommendation for muscle growth is to provide your body with 2 grams of protein per kg of body weight. However, if you want to maintain your current body weight, you should aim for 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight. In general, your body needs 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight. This measure will help you provide proper protein to your body. Protein needs can vary depending on different body conditions. If you have an abnormal body condition, you may need a different protein intake. If you want to lose weight, a different diet plan will be required. Feel free to contact me personally for help with that. Just go to the contact page and fill out the form.

Use supplements for strength

Before using supplements, make sure you actually need them. If you’re providing your body with proper protein through natural food, you may not need any supplements. However, if you struggle to meet your body’s protein needs, you can take a natural supplement. You’ll find many natural supplements on the market. If you have trouble finding the right one, you can contact me for assistance. But be cautious with supplements. Using more than your body needs will not benefit you and could have negative effects. So, learn about supplements before using them. Remember, supplements are not harmful if used properly.

Give rest to your body

One of my teachers once told me, “Rest is best!” and I truly believe it. Rest is essential. Our bodies need 50% food, 30% workout, and 20% rest. This is the right balance for your workout life. Give your body enough rest. I always suggest a routine of two days of workout followed by a rest day. I personally follow this routine, and you can try it too.

Work out with a partner

Everything is better with a partner, so why not with your workout? Choose a regular workout partner. I know the benefits of working out with a partner. Partners give you motivation during a workout. They help you stay consistent with going to the gym, and the biggest advantage is that they can assist you with exercises, protecting you from injury.

Work out with professional bodybuilders

I’ve seen that many beginners don’t like to work out with professional bodybuilders. The truth is that professional bodybuilders have a lot of experience. They can guide you, and their experience can help you achieve your goals. You will be motivated by seeing their progress and be curious to build a body like theirs. I personally find motivation from the experienced bodybuilders in my gym.

Go to bed early

If you’re a regular gym-goer, it’s important to go to bed early. Although this might be a hard topic for today’s world, try to go to bed early and let your body rest throughout the night. This is also part of your workout routine.

Make changes in your food habits

If you start working out, you must change your food habits. Without proper diet changes, your workout won’t work. You need to give up fast food, spicy foods, drinking, street food, etc. Commit to a healthy routine, and you will see the results.

Make changes in your lifestyle

Similar to the previous topic, make changes to your lifestyle. If you smoke, quit it today. If you drink alcohol, stop now. After joining a workout routine, you must follow a healthy lifestyle to achieve the beautiful body you desire. There are more lifestyle changes to consider, and I’ve just given you a brief overview.

Maintain a sustainable diet plan

Diet is the most powerful aspect of working out. I already mentioned that diet is 50% of the workout. You need to provide your body with a proper diet. Measure your body weight and calculate the protein requirements. You can find detailed information online, and we regularly publish posts on our website and social media, including our newsletter. The diet plan is an extensive topic, so I’ll publish a full article about it later. Stay tuned!

What you learn by reading the full article

If you’re an experienced gym-goer, this article may not be useful to you. However, if you are a beginner, it’s a gold mine. Everything I’ve shared comes from my own experience. I’ve already passed through these steps, and I know they are valuable. I struggled with these challenges, and I don’t want you to struggle like I did. Follow every step carefully, and after six months, you will see your transformation. If you found this article helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends. Thanks for reading!

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